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Looks amazing!

Thank you, will do my best to release 2 more packs by sunday

Hi FinFinych

 Thanks for this resource.

Can you combine these 7 separate characters into 1.spine file? I tried your demo on the web and saw that the animation was reused a lot in the characters so I thought there would be a generic spine file. For all characters, each character only changes skin.

Sorry, I'm not too professional with spine software, so I really want to see how to organize the characters into a common file so I can expand it later.

Hi, i'm on vacation till wednesday, ill try to organize the characters in one file and release the second character pack as well by the end of this week.

Thanks you :D

아직 페이팔만 보이고 신용카드 결제가 보이지 않습니다

it took a while to process the card binding, should work fine now

페이팔 결제만 되나요? 신용카드 결제수단을 추가해주실 수 있나요?

added credit card to payment methods

I don't use Spine, but if I could get it to work with Sprite, I would buy it.

I will update the package with included rendered sprites in the next 12 hours.

What game engine are you using btw?

The package has been updated, single png frames have been added to the package

Are finished sprites other than spines included?